Implementation of the donor funded programs
  • Under Cooperative Agreement (CA) with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) from 2007 to date 2020, ADC provides assistance in project development and project monitoring services to USADF grantees. Under this CA ADC has been instrumental in:
    • Assisting Rwandan Applicants in development of their project funding proposals for submission to USADF. This includes conducting rigorous market and financial analyses and management capacity assessment to demonstrate the project’s viability and sustainability, and formulating budgets, implementation plans, training plans, and monitoring and evaluation plans with measureable and realistically achievable performance indicators and targets.
    • Training grantees on USADF Accounting and reporting requirements and providing ongoing support and remediation interventions to ensure effective use of funds provided.
    • Assisting USADF- supported SMEs in conceptualizing and implementing program strategies, products and supply chain development, marketing, and human resources management, and other organizational development activities to improve their competitiveness and implement their market penetration and diversification strategies.
    • Identifying locally sources of technical assistance and training for the capacity building of the grantees.
    • Conducting regular on-site monitoring visits and assisting clients to improve internal systems for maximizing efficiencies and effectiveness in preparation for enterprise expansion.
    • Analyzing Business Plans and ensuring financial and management systems are established at all projects enabling them to report against established performance indicators.
    • Assisting grantees to identify domestic, regional and international market opportunities.
    • Ensuring grantees compliance with USADF grant policies and procedures.

    Throughout partnership with USADF the ADC team has been building its capacity in the areas of Business Plan development, Business Plan Management, Participatory development and performance monitoring, through direct training and/or exchange visits with other USADF Partners across Africa.

Market Research & Business Planning
  • June 18, 2019, Africa Development Consultant Limited (ADC) signed a contract with the National Agricultural Export Board through the Project for Rural Income through Exports (PRICE) SIPU - IFAD funded projects to Develop Business Plans on behalf of NAEB/PRICE Project Beneficiaries for easy access to Financial Services for a period of 12 (twelve months) not exceeding June 30, 2020.
  • April 15, 2015, Africa Development Consultant Limited (ADC) signed a contract with the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Single Project Implementation Unit (SPIU) of Land Husbandry, Watershed, management and Value Chain Development to Develop business plan on behalf of “ Climate Resilient Post –Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP) including blended “Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Program (ASAP) beneficiaries for easy access to financial services on behalf of PASP project”. This was IFAD funded project and ADC contract was being renewed annually based on performance to December 31, 2019 end of IFAD funding.
  • 2018-2019 ADC was a service provider for technical assistance to three Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) grantees when conducting “Market Research and business planning- the assignment was successfully accomplished and the organization accessed GAIN grant.
  • 2012-2013 supported 150 beneficiaries of the “Hanga Umurimo Project” of the Rwanda Ministry of industries and trade to develop Business Plans that accessed bank loans and grants.
Training & Coaching
  • August 31, 2017, Africa Development Consultant Ltd (ADC Ltd) was subcontracted by the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) to implement the Rwanda Private Sector Driven Agriculture Growth (PSDAG), a USAID funded program. The main tasks ADC performed involved the delivery of capacity building and technical assistance that included development of training modules, delivery of training and coaching services to cooperative leaders, staff and members, support Cooperatives to access financial resources and linkages of the target groups, to financial institutions.
  • 2013-2014 conducted training and coaching members of the 8 rice cooperatives, 1 Maize Cooperative and 11 Water Users Cooperatives that received grant from “Land Husbandry and Water harvesting and Hill sides Irrigation and Rural Sector Support Project (LWH-RSSP) – World Bank funded project. The training and coaching was on (1) Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Writing skills (2) Financial Management and costs of production (3) Marketing and Contract farming.
  • Trained more than 300 women beneficiaries of the Women for Women International from 4 districts of Rwanda on the following modules: Understanding and Identifying Markets/ Market Analysis, Value Chain, Create and Implement Business Plans and Access Finance (2016)
  • In 2018, ADC in collaboration with Q-Point based in the Netherlands successfully completed the project: “Cooperative Business Management Capacity Building Training Program for National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB)” funded by the IFC.

ADC played the role of Alliance Facilitator including providing connections and resources in Rwanda to Land O’ Lakes, Inc.

Implementation of the Seed Cooperative Alliance Project (SCA) team (2014) in conducting Marketing Feasibility Assessment, Strategic Fit Assessments and hold partnership alliance meetings with cooperatives partners. Seed Cooperative Alliance Project (SCA) tested the hypothesis that cooperative alliances can provide a commercially sustainable supply chain for distribution of improved seeds in Rwanda.

To test this hypothesis the SCA project conducted a series of interrelated diagnostic, strategic planning and capacity building activities.

Conducting Survey
  • ADC in collaboration with Q Point based in the Netherlands completed an assignment for “End line study for Heineken Rwanda” (report delivered in July 2020) funded by IFC.
  • ADC conducted an Impact Assessment of the Inland Lakes Integrated Development and Management Support Project (PAIGELAC) in 2012- Project under the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources.
  • ADC conducted a Mid –term evaluation of the project for “Empowering Youth through Cooperative Development” in Rwamagana, Kayonza and Gatsibo districts (2012) funded by the Plan International Rwanda.
  • ADC Conducted Mid Term Review of Operation Days Work (ODP) titled Young Future in Rwanda, education for all including girls (2014) funded by the Plan International Rwanda.
KN 5 (Airport road) TEDEUM Building House Number 44 First Floor, left Wing​

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